When you’re getting ready to sell your home, there’s a few simple things that you can do to make sure that it shows in the best possible way. So decluttering is going to include putting away all your kitchen utensils and cleaning off all of your kitchen counters. You’re gonna want to clean off your kitchen fridge, take all the magnets off and all the kids pictures too, stuff like that. Get all that cleaned up. Then anything that’s bigger than a cantaloupe you want to make sure put in a drawer or cabinet. Just get it off the counters. Then you’re going to want to de-personalize your home by taking down all the personal pictures and stuff like that and put away all the little knickknacks that you might have around your home. And then a final tip I like to give people is anytime you see a little blemish or something like on a wall scuff marks something make sure that those get painted or cleaned off with touch up paint or whatever because you don’t want those shown up in any pictures or people noticing that stuff when they come through. And that is how you can get your home ready to sell.